トップ > 採用情報 > アンケート


TECH Recruiting Questionnaire / TECH 採用アンケート

Please complete and submit the written questionnaire to us by the deadline.
Please type your answer in either English and Japanese.
下記アンケートをご記入の上、ご提出頂けますようお願い致します。 回答は、英語、日本語どちらでも記入いただけます。

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk () must be filled in.

♦ Family name / 姓
♦ Given name / 名
♦ E-mail address / メールアドレス

♦ How did you get information on our openings? (multiple answers allowed)

  •  (Name of Ad / 媒体名: )(Max: 256 letters/ 最大256文字)
  • ( Name of employee / 社員名: )(Max: 256 letters/ 最大256文字)
  • (Max: 1,000 letters/ 最大1,000文字)

♦ What are your preferences on choosing the right company? (multiple answers allowed)

  • (Max: 1,000 letters/ 最大1,000文字)

♦ After joining Rakuten, what would you like to challenge yourself to, or what services/divisions would you like to lead?
(Max: 1,000 letters/ 最大1,000文字)

♦ Please tell us about the scope of your career search.

♦ Please tell us when you are available to start.

  • (YYYY/MM, 年/月)

Please tell us about your current income. Please also specify the currency (e.g. USD, JPY, etc.)

*A document stating your recent income, such as a tax withholding slip may be required in the screening process, so please answer as correctly as you can.
※選考過程で【 源泉徴収票又は収入の分かる証明証 】をご提出いただく場合があります。可能な限り正確にご記入ください。

♦ Base monthly salary / 固定月給

♦ Overtime payment/ Month / 残業手当(月)

♦ Annual bonus / 年間賞与

♦ Other payments /Year / その他手当

♦ Current gross annual income / 現在の総年収

♦ Annual income after tax / 税引後の年収(手取り)

♦ Please tell us your desired minimum annual salary after job placement (*including bonus).
転職後の希望最低年収について教えてください。 (※賞与込)

Do you know about the literary work of Hiroshi Mikitani, Rakuten’s CEO?
弊社代表、三木谷 浩史の著作についてご存知でしょうか?

♦ “Principles of Success“ / 『成功のコンセプト』

♦ “92 Rules of Success“ / 『成功の法則92ヶ条』

Please tell us your health condition.

♦ Do you have any issues concerning your health which could influence your work?  

♦ If yes, please provide some details / はいとお答えの場合、その内容。

♦ Have you ever had a long-term (more than 2 weeks) absence from work due to injury or disease?  

♦ If yes, please provide some details / はいとお答えの場合、その内容。

In order for us to provide the necessary visa assistance after extending a job offer, please provide us with the following information.

♦ Which is your nationality, Japanese or non-Japanese?

♦ If you are Non-Japanese, what type of Japanese visa (Status of Residence) do you have at this point?
Please check your passport and answer accurately.

  • (Max: 256 letters/ 最大256文字)

♦ When does your visa expire? Expiration Date (YYYY/MM/DD)

♦ Your main working location will be in Japan. Is this okay with you?

[Notice of utilization purpose as per privacy policy]
The personal information we collect will be used in internal mid-career recruiting purposes only and held in the strictest confidence.
~Thank you for your cooperation!~

本アンケートにご記入いただいた個人情報及びご提供いただいた全ての記載事項は、弊社キャリア採用業務のみに使用させていただき、厳重に取り扱わせて いただきますことをここに記します。

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