GATD in 1 minute

What kind of place is GATD?
A quick data overview!

GATD Around the World

The Singapore team is the second largest after Japan, followed by India and China.
GATD is an international department within the Rakuten Group where Japanese, English and Chinese are widely spoken.

  • china 19 employees

  • japan 237 employees

  • Singapore 108 employees

  • india 102 employees

  • uk 10 employees

  • Total: 476 employees

GATD data(May 2022)

237 employees
19 employees
108 employees
102 employees
10 employees
476 employees

About the Organization

The average employee age is 36.5 years old. The employees who know how to make the best of their experiences play the most active roles. We have been expanding GATD’s employee base in the last few years along with our growing business.

The male/female ratio in GATD is 7:3. We have established an environment and evaluation system company-wide in which our employees can build their career regardless of gender.

> Promotion of diversity

Average Age36.5years old

Female 21% Male 79%

GATD data(May 2022)

Job Data

Because GATD as an organization is based on development, engineers make up a large proportion of our employees. Among the engineers, we form teams such as front end, back end, and data analysis. Also, our team of business and technology savvy Producers are a core part of our organization.

Employee Distribution by Occupation


Project/Product Manager

Other (Manager etc.)

Engineer 58.4%
Project/Product Manager
(Manager etc.)

GATD data(May 2022)

Employees with Kids

Listen to the voices of the dads and moms of GATD!


In the 11th year since I joined Rakuten, my first child was born and so I decided to take 11 months of childcare leave. It was a long leave, but my manager and team members kindly encouraged me, and I was able to spend an irreplaceable time with my family.
Taking care of a kid for the first time can be difficult and this childcare leave really deepened the bond between me, my wife and my child. We also received great HR support. Now I'm back in the same team and working!

Technology Management

I took a year and eight months off when I had my first child. The team members were super helpful and willingly took over and followed up on my work. I was also encouraged to make this decision by many other employees with kids who were in my same team.
Also, it was very easy to come back, as I was allowed to slowly adjust my workload and project plans.

Rakuten Mid Career Recruitment

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